Coffee Micromill La Perla del Café
Lourdes, Naranjo, Alajuela, Costa Rica.

Area: 4,479 m2
Type: Business – Coffee Micromill
Permission of use of the land: Coffee Micromill with all coffee processing permits (ICAFE & Health Ministry)
Drinking Water: Available
Electrical Lighting System: Available
Internet Connection/Telephone: Available

About this property:

  • Top positions in Cup of Excellence Costa Rica by Alliance of Coffee Excellence
  • Coffee Processing Capacity: 230 Kg ripe cherry coffee per hour (Penagos DVC-183)
  • 2 Drying Greenhouses with 2,900 Kg of capacity
  • African Beds
  • Storage Capacity: 115,000 Kg Dried Coffee (2,500 sacks)
  • Wastewater Treatment Plant
  • USA and Korean Clients
  • 230K USD Revenue
  • House for employees
  • Cabin with two rooms and one bathroom
  • Fabulous views.
  • Fauna and flora diversity
  • Permission of the use of the land for Construction
  • 50 minutes from San José

Ground Features: Elevated Ground – Quiet location – well – Safety place – Good street access

Nearby Attractions: Cycling – Equestrian – Hospital – Tourist attractions –– Outdoor activities

Property Value

Offers are heard!
– Negotiable Price –

¡Call or write me a message!

Oriel McLean

David Ramirez